Thursday, June 19, 2008

'Barn Yard'

Barn Yard is a mural I painted on the walls of a children's consignment store called Kinderbeez. This kind of painting is very fun and it is very satisfying for me to see how the children love it.

'Who, What, Where, When and Why'

Who, What, Where, When and Why, are five multimedia drawings in a series of self reflection on what it is for me to be a woman. These drawings were shown at the Nanaimo Art Gallery, in Nanaimo, in a group exhibition.

'Fire and Ice'

Fire and Ice is a paint stick and oil pastel drawing 44"x 60". This is one of my favorite drawings that came about rather organically when experimenting with paint sticks. To me it has developed its own narrative and I wonder what the true story is here.

'Sunrise or Sunset?'

Sunrise or Sunset? is an oil pastel drawing 22"x30". I wanted to make a beautiful mystery out of complimentary colours. This is a completely fictional scene.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Rock is an oil pastel drawing 22"x30"based on a dream sequence.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

'The Closet'

The Closet, is a oil pastel drawing about 22"x 30" about the relationship between a man and a woman. The shoes say it all I think.

The 'Death Chamber'

So this is the Death Chamber, the other half of the Life and Death series. It is made in a similar way tho the Birth Chamber but uses only one diffused light and dark painted tissue. I also made a satin pillow cover to make this one look more coffin-like. No one liked being in this chamber for very long, and that was my intent, death is a very uncomfortable topic for most people. Also shown is a picture of what it looks like from the outside when someone is inside the chamber.

The 'Birth Chamber'

So this is the Birth Chamber view from out and inside. One half of the Life and Death series I made. It is essentially a box (I made by hand, very proud of that) with tissue covered, pulsating lights inside. There is a rolling platform you lay on, on your back, to gain entrance inside. Most people who experienced this chamber found it relaxing or calming even if a strange experience. The outside is made to look like a bassinett or coffin depending on which half of the project you are viewing.

Beach sculpture 'Untitled'.

So this was a sculpture done at a beach in Nanaimo B.C., made using only found objects and whatever my friend Michelle and I had in our pockets. The logs were erected and the ground was covered in an arrangement sand and sawdust of varying colours. When the tide was coming in we quickly lit it on fire, the ground of sawdust didn't stay lit long but the logs did, to bad those pictures didn't work out because it was amazing.

Axis Mundi

So let's start off with some sculpture. Very strange, but very fun, Axis Mundi is a sculpture about 2 feet tall with my picture inside a glass bowel that has the world painted on it. The 'world' actually revolves around me. Fun times were had making this one.